Thursday, October 31, 2019
Kiki Smith research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Kiki Smith - Research Paper Example It is unfortunate, hence, to find that craft materials and craft techniques are traditionally for the most part forbidden in the world of art. They are dismissed as merely utilitarian objects and have no aesthetic significance. Famed American born contemporary feminist artist Kiki Smith, however, has rewritten the rulebook. Smith’s steady rise as a star in the contemporary art scene is marvelous if not entirely surprising. Her critical success was achieved while employing the use of unconventional craft-oriented materials. Through the use of these materials, she is able to successfully depict the intimate, physical, and psychological perspectives of the human body for her audience. This break from tradition in the use of craft materials is only an aspect of the deviations of Smith’s arts. ... Both of Smith parents are creative people. Her father, Tony Smith was an artist, the celebrated postwar abstract, minimalist sculptor and architect. Her mother, on the other hand, was an opera singer. Smith, hence, was exposed to a highly creative and artistic environment, considering the fact that both of her parents were artists. Particularly, she experienced steady exposure to the creative process from her father. His work has influenced the young Kiki in her artistic style. Tony Smith also maintained a vibrant household who played host to notable contemporary artists such as Jackson Pollack, Mark Rothko, and other gifted artists at the time.3 As a child, Smith would help her father make cardboard three-dimensional representations of what would later be known by the world as his geometrical sculptures. In 1967, his works in this area landed him in the cover of Times magazine. Smith’s father would always try his best to encourage her interest in art. For example, he would se t up a box of cylinders and cones to practice her drawing skills. Another important aspect in Smith’s family that would leave an indelible mark on her as an artist is her religious upbringing. Her family was devoutly Catholic and she herself acknowledges her affinity with her religious denomination later in her adult life. Certainly, this variable would manifest in many of Smith’s artwork later on. In an interview with a magazine, she explained: Some people get free. Some people say that you don’t have to be, but I’m stuck with it. I’ve always been spiritual. That’s always been the most important part of my life, thinking about God or Gods.4 In her childhood, Smith already new that she was not interested in drawing what she saw but, rather, she was more interested in drawing
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Media Impacts on Children’s Rights Essay Example for Free
Media Impacts on Children’s Rights Essay Child abuse gives most people a vision of the faults and blunders of the society. Child mistreatment is one of the most common crimes committed in the present. As for the Philippines, one can find vital statistics to certain crimes at the Bantay Bata 163 website ( According to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), 6,494 cases of child abuse were reported for the year of 2006 alone. Indeed, the government and certain non-government organizations must deal with these incidents of child abuse particularly the mass media. This paper examines the role of the media in relation to child abuse and child protection and argues that the media have been essential to the task of placing the problem of child abuse in the minds of the public and on the political agenda. THE MASS MEDIA According to, Mass Media is those means of communication that reach and influence large numbers of people, especially newspapers, popular magazines, radio, and television. Mass Media are those media that are created to be consumed by immense number of population worldwide and also a direct contemporary instrument of mass communication. Nonetheless, Mass Media is considered as the fourth estate of the society as well. It is the fourth branch of the government. It is the voice and weapon of the people and the society as whole. Mass media has various purposes, first is for entertainment, traditionally through performances of acting, music, and sports, along with light reading but since the late 20th century it can also be through video and computer games. Next is for public service announcement which is intended to modify public attitudes by raising awareness about specific issues like health and safety. And lastly is for advocacy. This can be for both business and social concerns. This can include advertising, marketing, propaganda, public relations and political communication. MEDIA AND HUMAN RIGHTS As stated by the Secretary- General of the United Nations in 1998, Human Rights are ‘what reason requires and what conscience commands’ (Mizuta, 2000). It is commonly recognized that human rights are firm foundations of human existence and co-existence. It is for these human rights that the United Nations is engaged in securing the basic conditions of life, in ensuring peace, development, a safe environment, food, shelter, education, participation, equal opportunities and protection against intolerance in any form. The Preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights expicitly states that: ‘every individual and every organ of the society, keeping this Declaration constatly inmind, shall strive by teaching education to promote respect for these rights and freedom’ (Hamelink, 2000). With this, we can say that all (including different institutions) are responsible in promoting human rights. Mass media present the opportunity to communicate to large numbers of people and to target particular groups of people. As observed by Gamble and Gamble (1999), mass communication is significantly different from other forms of communication. They note that mass communication has the capacity to reach simultaneously many thousands of people who are not related to the sender. It depends on technical devices or machines to quickly distribute messages to diverse audiences often unknown to each other. Thus, media in relation to human rights shows a exceptional characteristic in promoting it. CHILD ABUSE In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) define child maltreatment as any act or series of acts of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child. The physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect of children have a long recorded history. In the mid to late 1800s, it was reported that children were often sexually assaulted, that children reported honestly about their abuse, and that the perpetrators of abuse were often the childrens fathers and brothers (Olafsen, Corwin and Summit 1993). Every year, millions of children across the world are becoming innocent helpless targets of atrocities. They are the sufferers of ill-treatment, exploitation, and brutality. They are part of human trafficking to induce into prostitution rackets. In terror prone regions, they are kidnapped from their homes and schools and their innocent childhood is forced into the army to witness the brunt of cruelty. They are enforced into debt repression or other kinds of slavery. In Metro Manila, according to Australian study, urbanization and migration continuously increase, children are often forced by circumstances to help their families earn a living. Most street children are of poor parents who have migrated from rural areas to find better job opportunities in the city, but lack of education renders them ill-equipped to earn or survive in the city. Street children have a bleak present and an uncertain future. Life in the street is a constant struggle to overcome the various negative elements that threaten to overtake and destroy the hope for survival. The street child works under the heat of the sun or in the dark of the night from 6 to 16 hours, seven days a week, often in a combination of â€Å"occupations†each considered their only means to survive. In the cities, neglected and abandoned children find themselves in the streets fending for themselves and vulnerable to the various evils of the urban jungle such as drug addiction, crimes and commercial sexual exploitation. Children who are neglected or abandoned are easy prey not only to accidents but to commercial sexual exploitation, drugs, crime and unwanted pregnancies. Incidents of child abuse is still on the rise especially child sexual abuse. Also on the rise are reports of physical abuse and maltreatment of children. According to the statistics, there are approximately 40,000 to 50,000 street children of all categories in Metro Manila. Studies conducted reveal that the number of street children range from 2 to 3% of the child and adult population. The national project on street children estimated the number of street children at over 220,000 in 65 major cities as of 1993. There are now about 350 government and non government agencies that are responding to street childre n and their families. The government has given special focus on helping street children with programs focused on health and nutrition, educational assistance, parenting sessions, livelihood and skills training, residential care, foster care and adoption. However for as long as there would be squatter colonies sprouting in urban areas and for as long as there are not enough jobs, street children will continue to dominate in the streets. In a 1993 survey of households, some 16% of households surveyed have children below 12 years old who are left unattended with no supervising adult in the house. This translates to one in six households where children are without adult supervision. The consequences of child abuse are overwhelmingly disturbing. It denies a child its basic right-education. While violence and abuse pose a threat to their life, it also offers more devastating adverse effects on their mental and physical health. Often it leads to homelessness, resulting in increased number of cases of vagrancy giving birth to a feeling of depression. To worsen the scenario, these victims are more likely to abuse their own children in future, thanks to the deep impact on their mind and the cycle will continue forever. Though the agony and the plight of these children remain suppressed in silence, the brunt of their exploitation is very real. Although, the whole world is morally fuming at the abuse children endure. Yet, protection laws against child abuse commonly meet with confrontation at all strata of society. Like the protection of human rights, child protection can also be effectively promoted through media. MEDIA ON CHILD PROTECTION The media have been essential to the growth of society’s awareness of child abuse and neglect, not so much from specific community education campaigns as through ongoing news and features reporting on specific cases, research and intervention initiatives (Gough 1996). Media representations are the primary source of information on social problems for many people (Hutson and Liddiard 1994). Specifically, it is apparent that the media’s conceptualization of children and young people, and media reporting on both physical discipline of children and child abuse, is significant in reflecting and defining society’s perceptions of children and young people (Franklin and Horwath 1996), and what is and what is not acceptable behavior towards children. In addition to news stories, feature articles, and investigative journalism, sporadic mass media education and prevention campaigns are launched. These campaigns usually endeavor to broaden community knowledge of child abuse and neglect, to influence peoples attitudes towards children and young people, and to change behaviors that contribute to, or precipitate, the problem of child abuse and neglect in our communities (Goddard and Saunders, 2002). The constructive use of mass media can assist in teaching children and young people socially desirable ways of dealing with conflict, knowledge of their rights to integrity and protection from harm, healthy eating habits and lifestyles, and ways to assert themselves and their rights in a positive, acceptable manner. In an Inquiry into the Effects of Television and Multimedia on Children and Families in Victoria, Australia, evaluations of educational television programs, designed either for pre-schoolers or for older children, have suggested their effectiveness in heightening a range of social behaviors’ (Friedrich and Stein 1973), diminishing the effects of stereotyping (Johnston and Ettema 1982), increasing preparedness for adolescence (Singer and Singer 1994), and stimulating the discussion of solutions to general social issues (Johnston et. al 1993). The Convention of the rights of the child provides for the right of children to access information and material to those that aimed the promotion of his or her rights. (Hamelink, 1999).Therefore, mass media as a primary source of these information should provide the children proper knowledge of his or her rights. Also, mass media education and prevention campaigns may be designed to target children and young people, providing them with useful information and alerting them to avenues for further information, help and support. Campaigns can also use regular television programs for children. Research suggests that, at least in the short term, television viewing of such programs may increase childrens and young peoples knowledge and positively change attitudes and behaviors. Unfortunately, longitudinal studies exploring sustained effects are rare and thus inconclusive. It further notes that television is one of the most popular forms of mass communication and entertainment in has been under-utilized as an educative tool, and suggests that perhaps narrow vision has meant that the deliberate use of television simultaneously to entertain and educate has not been fully recognized. Despite this, Postman (1994) has argued that television is rapidly becoming the first curriculum, with educational institutions such as schools following behind. Further, campaigns may be designed to give children and young people an opportunity to express their views on issues that affect them, specifically targeting adult audiences that habitually ignore the views and experiences of children and young people. The UK Childrens Express is one example, as is Youth Forum in Melbournes Herald Sun newspaper. .Research on the physical punishment of children suggests, for example, that adults may be interested to hear childrens views on the issue of physical discipline, and children interviewed in the research were keen for adults to hear their views. To date, however, the media rarely, if ever, consults children and takes their views into account before reporting on the physical punishment for children (Goddard and Saunders, 2000) MASS MEDIA CAMPAIGNS †¢ EVERY CHILD IS IMPORTANT (Australia, May 2000) This primary prevention campaign used a comforting approach and incorporated a significant mass media component (Tucci et. al2001). As outlined in More action less talk! Community responses to child abuse prevention (Tucci, et. al 2001), the campaign sought to: elicit a commitment from adults to adults to develop safe and non-abusive relationships with children; persuade adults to stop behaving in ways which are harmful to children; educate adults about the important needs of children; and better inform adults about the causes and consequences of child abuse. The campaign encouraged all adults to: think and view children as a source of hope; understand the developmental variables of children; respect the meaning children give to their experiences; engage positively with the principles of childrens rights; and appreciate more fully the capacities and contribution of children to the cultural and emotional life of families and communities. The campaign also addressed: the commonly held belief that children are a cost to society; the perceived suspicion that any application of the notion of childrens rights will mean an erosion of parents rights; and the publics lack of understanding about the extent and nature of child abuse in Australia. The campaign continued until the end of 2001. A song, written by Van Morrison and performed by Rod Stewart, Have I Told You Lately That I Love You, was the focus of a television advertising campaign that aimed to stimulate peoples thoughts about the importance and value of children and how this is communicated to them. Television commercials were backed up by press and radio advertisements. In addition to advertising, the campaign sought media attention by involving Tracy Bartram, FOX FM radio personality, as an ambassador for the campaign. Media attention was drawn to the campaigns launch. A free information kit for parents was made available, parents seminar sessions, featuring Michael Grose, were conducted, and a website made readily available to the public. The campaign did not receive state or federal funding but relied heavily on in-kind support from individuals and Victorian businesses. Quantum Market Research monitored the effectiveness of the campaign. In May 2000 and October 2000 telephone interviews were conducted with a representative sample of 301 adults. Public dissemination of research outcomes formed part of the campaign strategy. Tucci et al. (2001) report that the initial research findings, five months into the campaign, revealed that: Child abuse is as serious social problem that is poorly understood by the Victorian public while fifty one per cent of respondents believed the community recognized child abuse as a serious social problem and another twenty one per cent believed they accurately understood the extent and nature of child abuse in Australia, this is clearly not the case. Fifty nine per cent were unable even to guess the number of reports of child abuse received annually. Only four per cent of respondents accurately estimated the size of the problem. Twenty-nine per cent of respondents underestimated the problem by at least 90,000 reports. The idea that adults can hurt children is disturbing and likely underpins the belief by fifty one per cent of respondents that the community treats this issue seriously, but when asked to account for the extent to which children are being abused by adults, community awareness is sadly lacking. Eighty per cent of respondents strongly supported the need for a campaign against child abuse. Australians Against Child Abuse thus feels confident that the Every Child is Important campaign will significantly influence public attitudes and responses to children and to child abuse. Ongoing research into the impact of the campaign will in itself be valuable in contributing to the debate about the educative and cost effectiveness of mass media campaigns aimed at preventing child abuse and neglect. †¢ NSPCC Full Stop Campaign Primary Prevention (United Kingdom, May 1999) It has the ambitious aim of ending cruelty to children within 20 years. Costing three million pounds, it proposes to change attitudes and behaviour towards children, to make it everybodys business to protect children, and to launch new services and approaches (Boztas, 1999). The campaign is supported by Prince Andrew, popular personalities such as the Spice Girls, the English football star Alan Shearer, and companies such as British Telecom and Microsoft. As Rudaizky (quoted in Hall 1999) explains, a pictorial theme of the campaign is people covering their eyes: The theme of the eyes being covered is about people not facing up to the reality of what is happening. Our intention was not to shock but to move people into doing something about it. Child abuse is not nice to talk about. It is an upsetting subject but unless we talk about it, we will not end it. This objective highlights the suppression/awareness phenomenon mentioned above, and draws attention again to the need for ongoing rather than intermittent prevention campaigns. FAMILIES – University of Queensland Sanders et al. (2000) evaluated Families a 12-part prevention-focused television series designed to provide empirically validated parenting information in an interesting and entertaining format. The series presented a parenting model, suggesting strategies parents could use with their children. It aimed to reassure parents that it is normal for parenting to be challenging, and it hoped to increase parents confidence that positive changes in childrens behavior were achievable. The series also aimed to increase awareness in the community of the importance of positive family relationships to the positive development of young people (Sanders et al. 2000). This media-based television series was considered to be successful, specifically in relation to its impact on increasing the parenting confidence of mothers. However, Sanders et al. (2000) concluded that the impact of the series could have been increased: by the strategic provision of service support systems, such as telephone information contact lines or parenting resource centers, which could be advertised as part of a coordinated media strategy planned to coincide with the airing of the television program. These services could provide information and back-up resources, such as parenting tip sheets, to parents seeking further advice after viewing the program. Staff at these centers could also identify and refer families who may need more intensive help. †¢ BEYOND BELIEF (United Kingdom, 1992) A documentary claimed to show new evidence of satanic/ritual abuse in Britain. Following the program, helplines were overloaded with calls from people who had experienced sexual or ritual abuse. Counsellors noted that: The program appeared to have given callers permission to speak of their experiences and their gratitude that someone, somewhere took what they said seriously. (Scott 1993) Henderson, a fellow at Glasgow Universitys mass media unit, as quoted by Hellen (1998) commented that: A lot of people who have suffered child abuse quite simply lack the vocabulary, because of shame or fear, to come to terms with what has happened. Provided a drama does not place blame on the child, it can be very helpful. †¢ BBC Screenplay It has been suggested that sometimes drama reaches the parts the documentary cannot (Campbell 1989). Writing about Testimony of a Child, a BBC screenplay that presents the other side of the Cleveland child sexual abuse saga the story of an abused child going home to [the] abuser, Campbell argues that sexual assault presents television with terrible problems. Television is about seeing. But it censors what we need to see if we are to understand because it bows to propriety and thus contains what is knowable (Campbell 1989).Despite this, Campbell (1989) notes the power of fictitious drama based on fact to: invite you to think: what would you do if faced with that childs face, his fantasies full of terror and death, his starvation, his stubborn silences, his sore bum. †¢ COLD HANDS- (New South Wales, 1993) Armstrong (1993) argued that the play portrays a week in the life of a 12 year-old girl sexually assaulted by her father and got pregnant. The plays focus allows the audience to gain an insight into the childs fear and trauma, the fathers feeble rationalization and defense, and the mothers fear of confronting the truth. Armstrong noted that the New South Wales Child Protection Council showed professional interest in the play and that plays have been used as part of child abuse awareness campaigns. The plays director, Ritchie (as quoted by Armstrong 1993) remarked that: The play is powerful, dramatic, presenting practical and emotional reality. It is confronting, but it emphasizes the fact that there is no excuse. †¢ QUESTIONS 2: Killing Tomorrow New Zealand A documentary, screened in New Zealand in 2001, graphically depicts the lives and abuse of three children. During the documentary, a Detective Inspector informs the audience that the drama is based on the lives of real people, and the audience is told how life turned out for the children and their abusers. Only those with ice in their veins could fail to be moved and there lies the problem. In each case, one adult or more had failed to take responsibility for the safety of a defenseless child (Herrick 2001). Reporting in The New Zealand Herald, Herrick asks what can programs like this possibly expect to achieve. Twenty years ago, polite society didnt even acknowledge abuse existed, let alone talk about it. So shows like this, which provoke thought and discussion, must be a sign of progress, even if the statistics say otherwise. Killing tomorrow was punishing if compelling viewing. Supported by New Zealands child protection authority, Child Youth and Family Services (CYFS), consider documentaries like Killing Tomorrow to be a powerful way of educating people about the issues and what can be done to protect children. We want to create an environment where child abuse is less able to exist and were pleased Screentime-Communicado has decided to help raise these serious issues (Brown, CYFS chief executive quoted in The New Zealand Herald 28/11/01). After the program was screened there was a panel discussion of the issues presented in the documentary and CYFS booklets that provide tips on parenting were made available to the public. Child protection received 211 phone calls during the documentary and on the night it was screened. Fifty-three child abuse investigations resulted, five of which cases were considered very urgent [and were] assigned immediately to social workers for investigation (Ward, CYFS spokesperson, quoted in The New Zealand Herald 30/11/01). Also quoted in the New Zealand Herald 30/11/01 was Simcock, the National Social Services spokesperson: The documentary showed community groups were doing their best on the issue but government measures were sadly lacking the most helpful thing the government could do was to change the law that allowed parents to hit children. While the documentary appears to have raised awareness of child abuse and prompted some people to act on their suspicions of abuse and neglect, Henare, a Child Abuse Prevention Services spokesperson, noted that the objective of the documentary would not be reached without enough money for community providers (quoted in The New Zealand Herald 30/11/01). These are only some examples of media campaigns. There were still lots more evidences the media protecting children around the globe from abuse. Though media shows a remarkable effort in the child protection system, people can not stay away from the fact that there are still several problems these media campaigns face. MEDIA PROBLEMS IN CHILD PROTECTION CAMPAIGN Journalists willing to advocate for children and young people face the challenge of counterbalancing negative images or demonisation‘(Franklin and Horwath 1996) of children and, particularly, of adolescents, in print, television and film. Starkly contrasting with once popular views of childhood as a time of innocence, less than positive images of children and young people in the media may place obstacles in the path of attempts to prevent their abuse and neglect. In 1968, 11-yearold Mary Bell murdered two boys, aged three and four in the UK. Twenty-five years later, in 1993, two ten-year-old boys murdered two-year-old Jamie Bulger in the UK, and in Australia in 1998, a ten-year-old boy was charged with drowning a six-year-old playmate. In such cases, a child being able to open his or her mind in abusive acts might be the perpetrator of maltreatment to his or her fellow. Psychologically, the Social Information Processing Theory of Aggression, comes here. According to Strasburger (1995), the central tenet of social information processing theory is that children create their own rationales to explain the behavior of others during social during social encounters. In turn, these self- generated interpretation influence children’s responses in their ongoing social interaction. Given that mental state operate in a feedback loop, it is possible that all social experiences, including those involving violent media, could influence social information processing. CONCLUSION Society sometimes fails to recognize that children are the most vulnerable group in our community, and are thus in need of the greatest protection. The social and economic costs to societies that have not prioritized childrens needs, especially the prevention of child abuse and neglect, are well documented. This paper focused on news stories, feature articles and investigative journalism. In this, we have concentrated on mass media education and prevention campaigns, television series, documentaries, and live theatre productions. It demonstrate the medias potential power to positively influence child welfare policies, community responses to children and young people, and societal acknowledgement of, and reaction to, child abuse and neglect. It challenges those who are involved in child welfare and child protection to make greater efforts to understand media influences and to use the media constructively. Sustained community education and prevention campaigns, using mass media communication, are integral to the prevention of child abuse and neglect. These campaigns continually confront communities with the reality of child abuse. They challenge people, institutions, and governments to listen to children and to respond to the needs of all children and families, and particularly the special needs of children who have been abused or neglected. Further, sustained mass media exposure of child abuse and neglect may publicly censure and shame perpetrators, many of whom are relatives and adults well known to the victimized child. According to Tucci (2002), the agenda for our community and the government which represents us should be clear. The prevention of child abuse should be a priority. However, to be effective, mass media campaigns will need to be part of a broader prevention program that includes the provision of supports and services for all children and families. There are limitations to what the media can achieve. REFERENCES: Armstrong, M. (1993), The cold realities of child sex abuse, Sydney Morning Herald, 11 November Boztas, S. (1999), Prince Andrew launches crusade against child cruelty. The Daily Telegraph, 23/3/99. Franklin, B. and Horwath, J. (1996). The media abuse of children: Jakes progress from demonic icon to restored childhood. Child Abuse Review. Friedrich, L. and Stein, A. (1973). Aggressive and prosocial television programs and the natural behaviour of preschool children. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development Gamble, T. and Gamble, M. (1999). Communication works. McGraw Hill Publications. Goddard, C. and Saunders, B.J. (2000), The role of the media, in Project Axis Child Sexual Abuse in Queensland: Selected Research Papers. Goddard, Chris. , Saunders, Bernadette. (2002). The role of mass media in facilitating community education and child abuse prevention strategies. Child Abuse Prevention Issues Number 16. Gough, D. (1996), Defining the problem Child Abuse Neglect, Vol. 20. Hall, C. (1999), NSPCC shock tactics to tackle child abuse, The Daily Telegraph. Hamelink, Cees. (2000). Media and Human Rights. Media and Human Rights in Asia: an AMIC Compilation. Singapore: AMIC. Hellen, N. (1998), Bennett pens TV child sex drama, Sunday Times, 5 October. Herrick, L. (2001), Truth of abuse too powerful to ignore, The New Zealand Herald, 21 December Hutson, S. and Liddiard, M. (1994). Youth homelessness: The construction of a social issue. Macmillan Publication Johnston, J. and Ettema, J. (1982). Positive images: Breaking stereotypes with childrens television. Sage Publications. Johnston, J. Bauman, J. Milne, L. and Urdan, T. (1993). Taking the measure of talking with TJ: An evaluation of the first implementation of talking with J Series 1, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan Publishers. Mizuta, Kayoko. (2000). Human Rights and Media. Media and Human Rights in Asia: an AMIC Compilation. Singapore: AMIC. Olafsen, R., Corwin, D. and Summit, R. (1993). Modern history of child sexual abuse awareness: Cycles of discovery and suppression. Child Abuse and Neglect. Postman, N. (1994). The disappearance of childhood. Vintage Books. Sanders, M.R., Montgomery, D.T. and Brechman-Toussaint, M.L. (2000), The mass-media and the prevention of child behavior problems: The evaluation of a television series to promote positive outcomes for parents and their children, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Singer, D. and Singer, A. (1981). Television, imagination and aggression: A study of preschoolers Sage Publications. Strasburger, Victor. (1995). Adolescents and the Media: Medical and Psychological Impact. Sage Publications. Tucci, J. Goddard, C. and Mitchell, J. (2001). More Action Less Talk! Community responses to child abuse prevention, Australians Against Child Abuse. Ringwood.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
How Does Motivation Affect Performance?
How Does Motivation Affect Performance? This literature study tries to examine how work motivation affects the job performance within an organization. Work motivation can be divided in two types of motivation called intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from a person within and extrinsic motivation is motivation on materially goals. There are a lot of aspects which can influence / create the work motivation within an organization. Out this research there can be said that interests, enjoyment, salary and power can influence the work motivation of employees. When managers want to measure the motivation, they can use self-reports over time. After a period the managers can compare the two points with each other. Job performance can just like work motivation divided in task and contextual performance. The performance can simply be measured over time. After a specific period they can see if the performance of an employee is increased or decreased. There are found some variables that influence the job performance. The most important variables are enjoy, interests, money and power. All four of these variables have a positive influence on the job performance but all four in another way. In this study there are some aspects which could have influence on the relationship between work motivation and job performance. First off all there can be said that the relation between work motivation and job performance is positive. There are two combinations which are interesting. First, the relation between intrinsic motivation and task performance is interesting. When employees are intrinsically motivated the task performance of employees will increase. Second, the relation between extrinsic rewards and performance is interesting. When employees receive an extrinsic reward like money ore promotion, their performance will also increase. Conclusively, there can be said that motivation has a positive effect on the job performance of employees within an organization. Both intrinsic as extrinsic motivation have a positive influence on the job performance. Managers can use this information within an organization to motivate the employees. This will eventually increases the job performance of those employees Preface Chapter 1: Introduction This thesis will analyze how work motivation can affect the work performance of employees in an organization. There are a large amount of aspects that contributes to the success of an organization. For an organization it is very important that people are motivated. If the employees of an organization are motivated their interests, attitude and performance will improve during work hours (Locke 2004). Furthermore the performance is also an aspect that contributes to the success of an organization. The main goal of an organization is to make profit. An organization can only make profit if the employees of that specific organization can achieve their goals (Beal 2005). This thesis will analyze how employers can influence the job performance of their employees and if this will influence the success of an organization. As said above, this thesis will focus on the connection between work motivation and job performance and how they influence the success of an organization. A large amount of researchers use two different types of motivation. Researchers agree that there is an intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation by employees. Intrinsic motivation means acting from inside and this is inherently connected with enjoy and interest (Ryan, R. M., Deci, E. L. 2000b). Extrinsic motivation is acting in specific way that lead to a valuable added value (Ryan, R. M., Deci, E. L. 2000b). This is why this thesis will look at the different types of motivation (especially intrinsic and extrinsic motivation). If the two types of motivation and job performance are discussed the link between work motivation and job performance can be found. Is there a positive or negative link between work performance and job motivation? How does work motivation influences the job performance? Those questions will be answered during this thesis. Problem statement How does work motivation affect the job performance of employees in an organization? Research Questions What are the theoretical approaches of work motivation? Which different perspectives of job performance are developed by researchers? How do work motivation and job performance influence each other? Methodology According to Sekaran and Bougie (2009) there are different ways to collect data. The type of research that will be used for this thesis is a descriptive research. This thesis is a literature study which means that secondary sources will be researched. Analysis of different variables will be the basis for additional empirical research. Recent empirical research will be used to analyze the subjects of this thesis. By using scientifically papers the data can be found. The concepts of this research are work motivation, job performance and the link between work motivation and job performance. Structure The main goal of this paper is to analyze how work motivation affects the job performance of employees within an organization. This paper is subdivided in three chapters. In the first chapter answers will be found about work motivation. What is work motivation and how does motivation influences employees? The main subject of the second chapter will be job performance. For example questions regarding job performance are, what is job performance, what influences job performance within an organization? The third and last chapter will bring work motivation and job performance together. In this chapter work motivation and job performance will be combined. The main question of this chapter will be: Does work motivation influence job performance and what will be the benefits within an organization? Chapter 2: Work motivation Each organization has employees who work for that organization. When employees are motivated, they are enjoyable and they are more interested in their jobs (Ryan, R. M., Deci, E. L. 2000b). A large amount of researchers agree in the concept work motivation. This chapter will provide an analysis of the two types of work motivation. The first part of this chapter work motivation will be discussed. The second part of this chapter intrinsic and extrinsic motivation will be explained and the last part of this chapter provides the effect of those types of motivation. A large amount of researchers researched the concept work motivation. According to Pinder (1998) work motivation is a set of energetic forces that invent both inside as well as outside an individuals being, to initiate work-related behavior and to determine its direction, intensity, and duration. Ambrose Kulik (1999) argues that work motivation is invisible, internal and hypothetical. A complement of the researchers above Pinder (1998) argues that energetic forces have a great influence on the work motivation of employees. Atkinson (1964) agrees with Pinder (1998). Atkinson (1964) argues that work motivation has a lot to do with the psychological process of employees. Seen these researchers there can be said that work motivation has to do with the psychological process. The psychological process of employees is invisible and internal. Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation As said above, work motivation is a psychological process which is invisible and internal, but there is also dichotomy of motivation called intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Porter and Lawler 1968). This study was developed in 1968 but still these two types of motivation are used in the literature (Steel 2008). In the previous paragraph the two types of motivation are mentioned. Researchers (Porter and Lawler 1968, Steel 2008) have found two different types of work motivation. The following paragraphs will discuss intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation The last decades a large amount of researchers investigated the concepts intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. According to Calder and Staw (1975) motivation is intrinsic if an activity is undertaken for someone who needs immediate satisfaction. Van Yperen and Hagendoorn (2003) argue that motivation is intrinsic when people perform an activity for itself which bring them satisfaction. Van Yperen and Hagendoorn (2003) agree with Calder and Staw (1975) but they add that satisfaction is inherent to enjoy. Steele (2008) argues that intrinsic motivation could include involvement in behavioural patterns, thought processes, action and activity or reaction for its own importance. The previous paragraph describes that intrinsic motivation increases the satisfaction and enjoyment of employees. Deci (1971) argues that there are two ways to measure intrinsic motivation. The first way is to measure the free choice. An example for the free choice is: do what you want to do and dont look to somebody else. The second way of measuring intrinsic motivation is the use of self-reports of interest and enjoyments of a specific activity. An example for the self-report method is a questionnaire under employees. This way of measuring intrinsic motivation is most often used for experimental studies (Ryan, 1982). Loewenstein (1999) agrees with Deci (1971). Loewenstein (1999) also found two ways of measuring intrinsic motivation. Loewenstein (1999) uses almost the same levels just like Deci (1971) does: Through a persons self-report of how interesting and enjoyable the task is. Through the behavioral measures of choice of, and amount of time engaged with, the task during a free-choice period in which there are no extrinsic rewards or incentives associated with choosing or engaging in the task. The two measurement methods of Loewenstein (1999) and Deci (1971) have a positive match. They both have found two ways to measure intrinsic motivation. During this paragraph the researchers mentioned two different ways of methods to measure intrinsic motivation. There can be said that these two measurement methods can be used for intrinsic motivation. If managers use these two methods they can find differences in intrinsic motivation at employees over a period. The outcomes can help managers to understand the intrinsic motivation of his employees. All of the researchers mentioned above agree with the concept that intrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from within a person. Intrinsic motivation also gives people more satisfaction and enjoy. When employees are intrinsically motivated their satisfaction and enjoyment for work increases. Another type of motivation is extrinsic motivation. The following paragraphs will analyze the concepts Extrinsic motivation Where intrinsic motivation is motivation from within a person, extrinsic motivation relates to external values. This is the mean difference with intrinsic motivation. Just like intrinsic motivation, a lot of research has been done about extrinsic motivation. Osterloh (2002) argues that extrinsic motivation occurs when employees are able to satisfy their needs indirectly, most importantly through a financial compensation. Money is a goal which provides satisfaction independent of the actual activity itself. Ryan and Deci (2000) argue that extrinsic motivation is motivation that gives an external value. External values can be salary, holidays and other working conditions. Researchers (Deci Ryan, 2000; Ryan Deci, 2007) have found three types of extrinsic motivation that can be ordered by the self-determination theory. The Self-determination theory (SDT) is a motivational theory that can be used for understanding individuals motivation (Deci Ryan, 2000; Ryan Deci, 2007). By doing research (Pelletier, L. G., Sarrazin, P. 2007) on this framework several studies have shown that extrinsic motivation is significantly related to performance (Boich-e, Sarrazin, Grouzet, Pelletier, Chanal, 2008). There are three levels in the self- determination theory. From lower to higher levels of self-determination, there are: external regulation, introjections and identification. The first level is the external regulation (Deci Ryan, 2000; Ryan Deci, 2007). This is behaviour that is regulated through external means like rewards and constraints. For example I study the night before exams, because my parents force me to. The second level is the introjected regulation (Deci Ryan, 2000; Ryan Deci, 2007). This level explains that the individual begins to acquire the reasons of the persons action. For example: I study the night before exams because thats what good students are supposed to do. The third and last level is Identification (Deci Ryan, 2000; Ryan Deci, 2007) Identification is the behaviour that becomes valued and judged important for the individual, and especially that it is perceived as chosen by oneself. For example: Ive chosen to study tonight because it is something important for me. Seen the analysis given above, there can be said that extrinsic motivation is motivation that points to external rewards like money and holidays. Managers can use this information for their employees. If a manager thinks that his employee isnt motivated enough, he can try to use external rewards to increase the employees extrinsic motivation. Effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation The previous paragraphs provided an analysis of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The following paragraphs will provide information about the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Effect of intrinsic motivation Researchers have found that a positive effect on a persons motivation increases the intrinsic motivation. Kraiger, Billings, Isen (1989) argue that a positive affect increases peoples enjoyment and interest of interesting activities. Another study found that the positive effect increases the valence of moderately desirable rewards (Erez Isen, 2002). Intrinsic motivation does not only affect the enjoyment and interests. It also affects the satisfaction and the performance during working hours (Erez Isen, 2002; Isen, Daubman, Nowicki, 1987; Staw Barsade, 1993). Vansteenkiste (2004) argues that people who are intrinsically motivated during reading material and other work activities achieve a better performance during performance appraisals than people who are extrinsically motivated. Through years scientists have found a positive effect between motivation and the intrinsic motivation. Scientists agree that satisfaction and performance increases the intrinsic motivation. If an employee in an organization is intrinsically motivated, his satisfaction and performance at work will increase. Managers can use this information about the effect of intrinsic motivation. Managers need to motivation employees intrinsically. If they do that the performance and satisfaction will increase (Staw Barsade, 1993). Effect of extrinsic motivation In the previous paragraph the effects of intrinsic motivation are discussed. Managers can use external rewards to increase the extrinsic motivation but what is the effect of those rewards on extrinsic motivation? This paragraph will provide information about the effect of extrinsic motivation on employees of an organization. Research on intrinsic motivation has demonstrated that extrinsic rewards can have a negative effect on intrinsic motivation (Daniel Esser, 1980; deCharms, 1968; Hess, Sandelands, 1980). As we see, this is an older study and researchers from the last decades have found new information about the effect of extrinsic motivation. A large amount of theories in social sciences have found a relationship between extrinsic motivation and human attitude. One of these theories is the Economic Exchange Theory (Constant, (2001) D, Kiesler, S (1998), and Sproull, L. 1994). This theory explains how people shape their attitudes by analyzing the consistencies of their own behaviour. The theory explains that people behave in a specific way because they feel that the consequences of their own behaviour will bring more rewards of a certain benefits and these rewards and benefits will offset their behaviour (Constant, (2001) D, Kiesler, S (1998)., and Sproull, L. 1994). According to Steel (2008) the extrinsic factors that can influence motivation can include circumstances, situations, rewards or punishment. Those influences can be tangible and intangible. Steel (2008) argues that tangible benefits are monetary rewards and prizes. Intangible benefits include recognition, adoration and praise. In the last decades a large amount of researchers researched the effect of extrinsic motivation. In the eighties and nineties researchers found a negative effect between extrinsic rewards and intrinsic motivation. Researchers agreed that for example: a higher salary had a negative effect on the performance or satisfaction. The last decades Kiesler (1998), Sproull (1994) en Steel (2008) have found a positive affect between extrinsic factors that influence extrinsic motivation. External rewards affect the extrinsic motivation. Conclusion To answer the question mentioned in chapter 1, a lot of research has been done during this chapter. During this chapter two different types of motivation were found called intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is that intrinsic motivation comes from within a person and extrinsic motivation is based on the motivation of external rewards like money and power (Ryan and Deci 2000). Also the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are discussed. The outcomes during this research were that external rewards increase the intrinsic motivation and that intrinsic motivation influences the motivation and satisfaction. Many studies have found that an extrinsic award can subvert intrinsic motivation for specific tasks (Deci, Koestner, Ryan, 1999). Intrinsic motivation is considered to promote psychological feelings of personal interests but extrinsic motivation can boycott your interests. Extrinsic rewards are for example money and pow er (Deci, Koestner, Ryan, 1999). Both approaches of motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic) have an effect on the work motivation. An employee needs intrinsic motivation to create enough satisfaction and performance but he/she also needs extrinsic motivation to have enough power and to earn enough money. A combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation has a positive effect on the work motivation. Chapter 3: Job performance In an organization, job performance is essential for the turnover and profit of an organization. When the performance of the employees from an organization is low, the turnover and profit will be lower than the performance of the employees is high. Mangers can fire employees of the performance is too low and can promote employees if the performance is high. According to Greenhaus Parasuraman (1993) managers from an organization can have influence on the performance of employees. A good manager can make the performance of his employees better so that he does not have to fire employees. Task and contextual performance As mentioned in the introduction of this paper, job performance is the performance of a person at work. The last decades, researchers investigated job performance. First job performance was directly connected with task performance. Borman and Motowidlo (1993, 1997) expanded the domain of job performance to include contextual performance. Gellatly Irving (2001) agree with Borman and Motowidlo (1993, 1997). They found that job performance can be divided in task performance and contextual performance. Nowadays job performance can be divided in both task and contextual performance. According to Motowidlo, Borman, Schmit (1997) job performance is a dynamic multidimensional construct that refers to employees behaviors at work that directly or indirectly support organizational goals. Motowidlo (1997) also argues that job performance is a multidimensional construct which can be divided in two general levels. The first level is task performance and the second level is contextual performance . Williams Anderson (1991) argue that task performance is related to an employees contribution to organizational performance. Gellatyl Irving (2001) agree with Williamson Anderson (1991). Gellatyl Irving (2001) argue that task performance (in-role behaviour) is behaviour that contributes to the organizations core. More specifically, task performance involves behaviour that contributes to the organizations work environment (Borman Motowidlo, 1993). There can be said that task performance contributes directly to the work environment of an organization but how about the second level. The second level is contextual performance (extra-role behaviour). According to Borman Motowidlo (1993) contextual performance can be labeled as behaviour that does not directly contribute to organizational performance but contextual performance supports the psychological and social environment. Gellatly Irving (2001) argue that contextual performance (extra-role behaviour) helps form the organizational, social, and psychological conditions that support task activities. This is why contextual performance is also called extra-role behaviour. This behaviour is additional (extra) to an employees behaviour. Contextual performance helps employees to improve their performance by listening to other colleagues. Beal (2005) developed a theoretical substruction for examining changes in job performance. When examining dynamic performance individuals variability in performance will be measured over time. To find differences in job performance the manager has to select variables to measure the variability over time. A large amount of researchers argue that different variables can find variability over time. However, researchers do not agree which variables that will be. Job performance is an important variable in human resource management and organizational behaviour (Viswesvaran, Schmidt, Ones, 2005). A well known way to measure job performance is by gender. As we know, there are still lots of differences between male and female. An example for the differences between gender at work is payroll and promotion. McKay McDaniel (2006), Roth, Huffcutt, Bobko (2003) argue that there is a sufficient consistent that males receive a more favourable performance evaluation than females receive. Those higher performance evaluations can have a positive influence on promotions within an organization (Greenhaus Parasuraman, 1993). When employees of an organization receive higher evaluations they are a better candidate for promotion than someone who has a lower evaluation. Gender differences in measures of job performance can have influence on many other variables than only promotions. Another variable that can have influences is payment (Robertson, 1986). The differences in payment can have a negative influence on the trust and the satisfaction of an employee. When an employee of an organizati on is getting fewer loan than his colleague with the same job description the trust and satisfaction will decrease (King et al., 2010). A direct effect on loan is lateness, absenteeism, and turnover and achieves goals (Harrison, Newman, Roth, 2006). Influence on job performance The previous paragraphs discussed the task performance and contextual performance. Researchers found that task as contextual performance have influences on job performance. Task performance has a direct effect on the performance. Task performance or in-role behaviour is behaviour that contributes to the core of an organization. Contextual performance indirectly contributes to an organizations performance Gellatyl Irving (2001). Contextual performance (extra-role behaviour) influences the social environment of an employee and not the core of an organization like task performance. Not only task and contextual performance (or in-role or extra-role behaviour) affects the job performance. Stress is also a variable that influences the job performance. Researchers have found a relation between work stressors and job performance. According to Jex (1998) this relationship depends on different factors that determine the stressors. Cavanaugh (2000) found that challenge stressors are positively related with job performance but, hindrance stressors are negatively associated with job performance. A lot of people think that stress always has a negative relationship with job performance but this literature displays the opposite. Stress can be positive in the challenge manner but can also be negative if the stress forces you to do things (Cavanaugh 2000). An example of challenge could be that account managers should reach their goals/targets each month. During this period of time, account managers have positive stress because they want to reach their goals/targets. An example of a hindrance stressor is that somebody wants to book a room in a hotel but all rooms are booked and his flight is tomorrow. This is a hindrance stressor because the b ooker is hampered in his choice and this can have a negative effect on his performance. Stress has a lot to do with emotional feelings. Negative stress like hindrance can cause emotional exhaustion (Cordes Dougherty, 1993). Emotional exhaustion can be measured individually or in groups. During this paper, when we talk about emotional exhaustion, the individual emotional exhaustion is intended. Emotional exhaustion is the moment when employees feel emotionally overwhelmed and drained by their work (Leiter Maslach, 1988; Wilk Moynihan, 2005). Cordes Dougherty (1993) also add that a consequence of emotional exhaustion can cause a lack of energy and a bad feeling to an employee. Emotional exhaustion happens more frequently because organizations are asking more and more from their employees regarding responsibility and job performance (Klein Verbeke 1999). According to Lee Ashforth (1996) emotional exhaustion can have consequences for an organization. When an employee has an emotional exhaustion his withdrawal behaviour can increase. Babakus, Cravens, Johnston Moncrief (1999) add that it also can decrease the job performance. Managers prefer not that their employees get emotionally exhausted. According to Cohen Wills (1985) managers might identify targets more effectively for the emotional support of their employees to enhance the job performance. By using the conservation of resources (COR) theory, researchers can clarify how feelings of emotional exhaustion can influence job performance. According to the COR theory, individuals become more emotionally exhausted when they do not have enough resources to do their job. The resources may include participation in decision making and social support by managers (Cordes Dougherty, 1993). The COR theory also argues that work asks a lot from employees. When demands exceed resources job performance can be reduced (Babakus 1999). Hobfoll Freedy (1993) and Hobfoll (1998) both found a negative relation between emotional exhaustion and job performance by using the COR theory. Conclusion During this chapter two types of job performance are found called task and contextual performance (also known as in-role and extra-role behaviour). Task performance is the performance that has a direct contribution to the operations core. Unlike task performance, contextual performance does not contribute to the operations core but it supports the social environment. These are the two main differences between task performance and contextual performance. These two types of performance have an influence in the job performance and they can be measured. Research has found that different variables can influence the job performance. In this chapter gender and stressors are used to find out how performance can be measured. Nowadays there are still a lot of differences between male and female. Researchers have found that males receive better performance reviews than females. These performance reviews can have an effect on the motivation of that specific employee. Not only performance reviews but also stressors can have an influence on the job performance. There are positive and negative stressors. The negative stressors have a negative influence on the job performance. A negative stressors can for example be a black out. The positive stressors can have a positive effect on the job performance. When employees have a certain pressure to perform the stressors can be positive. The positive stressors can have a positive influence on the job performance. Chapter 4: The relationship between work motivation and job performance The previous chapters discussed work motivation and the job performance separately. This chapter will combine work motivation and job performance. For managers it is essential to know how they can motivate their employees and if this has an influence on the job performance. If there is a positive connection between work motivation and job performance, managers can use information from the analysis mentioned in chapter 2 (work motivation) to improve the job performance. As we know, if the job performance increases the profit and turnover will increase inherently. Work motivation and job performance Researchers have found a positive connection between intrinsic motivation and job performance. According to Humphrey (2007) intrinsic motivation is positively related to work performance, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Job autonomy is also inherent to intrinsic motivation (Morgeson, Delaney-klinger, Hemingway, 2005). When employees are intrinsically motivated their satisfaction and enjoy is higher than an employee who is extrinsically motivated. Because of the intrinsic motivation of the employee, the autonomy will increase as well (Parker, 1998). This is for managers important data because, the higher autonomy of employees the more individuality the employee has. The manager can give more support to other employees by who the autonomy is lower. Another relationship between motivation and performance has been found. Researchers found a positive connection between intrinsic work motivation and task performance (Morgeson et al. 2005). If employees have a certain pleasure and satisfaction when they are at work, this will have a positive effect on the work activities. According to Grouzet, Vallerand, Thill Provencher (2004) individuals who are intrinsically motivated perform better in their tasks because they find their tasks enjoyable and interesting. They also find that participation in those specific tasks is like a reward (Deci et al. 1989). This is in line with the study of Morgeson (2005). Morgeson (2005) also found that the progress of the work activities is inherent to the job performance (Morgeson et al. 2005). Therefore the better the employees work activities the better the job performance. Finally, Gagnà © and Deci (2005) found that employees who have a high intrinsic motivation are more involved in their jobs and they have a greater goal attainment than employees who have a lower intrinsic motivation. According to Humphrey (2007) employees who are intrinsically motivation not only have a greater goal to attainment but, they also have a greater responsibility and volition to perform better and to be successful in the organization. The connections above are interesting because a large amount of researchers agree in the concept that intrinsic motivation influences the job performance positively. Not only employees who are intrinsically motivated have an influence on the job performance. Researchers have also found that employees who are extrinsically motivated have a positive effect on the job performance. A positive connection betw
Friday, October 25, 2019
Geography of Barbados :: Essays Papers
GEOGRAPHY OF BARBADOS Barbados is the most windward, or eastern of all the Caribbean islands. It’s the only island of the Caribbean that lies before the sixty-degree lateral line. Pedro a Campus, who arrived there in 1536, first discovered it. Pedro a Campus was sailing for Portugal at the time of his discovery. Upon his arrival he concluded that the island was uninhabited. The island remained this way until it was settled by the English in the later Seventeenth Century. The shape of the island, is somewhat of an irregular triangle. The circumference Of the island is approximately fifty-five miles around, with a length of twenty-one miles and a width of thirteen miles. Its size is approximately two and a half times the size of Washington D. C. Coral Reefs line almost the entire coast of the island, and at some points, are up to three miles seaward. This creates problems with navigating to and from the island. The northeastern portion of the island contains heights of 1000 feet, while the southeastern part has sandy beaches which are protected by the coral reefs. The highest elevation is Mount Hillaby, which is 1147 feet above sea level at the center portion of the country. The rest of the island is relatively flat, but elevates as it rises to the Central Highlands. Scotland River is the principal river which runs through the island. Other rivers include Joe’s River and the Indian River, along with a handful of natural springs, mainly Haggat’s. The island has a tropical climate and it rarely falls below seventy degrees Fahrenheit. The months of June to October are generally considered the â€Å"rainy†season. The island only occasionally suffers from the wrath of hurricanes. Another natural disaster that the people of the island encounter is periodic landslides.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Deming Concept
W. Edwards Deming was considered to be way ahead of his time. His philosophical ideas were also considered radical in the United States during the 1950’s, but were quickly adopted by Japan. He developed what later became known as Deming’s 14 points, that would later launch the Total Quality Management Movement in the United States, which were not actually accepted until the 1980’s. One of his philosophies that I found interesting was Point #5: â€Å"Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service, to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs. This philosophy was foreign in the 1950’s, where managers’ philosophy was focused more on power and control. Deming’s concept leaned more towards a teacher/student relationship, instead of the power and control focus of his time. Humans are very resistant to change however, and that is why I feel this is an important concept that some companies still strugg le with today. My employer for example, Lowe’s Distribution Center, has some managers that don’t like to change processes because â€Å"it is the way they like it to be done†. Deming’s philosophy involved a new focus, which involved management to constantly be looking for improvements that can be made in both their processes, and technology that would reduce cost. Our computer system that controls every function in our facility is about 22 years old, and is outdated to the point where it has employees repeat steps to convince the computer system the task has been completed. Inefficient methods lead to higher cost. Higher costs in turn seem to add to our society’s need for power and control, resulting in increased pressure on team members to make up for the inefficiencies of the system. At this point, team members than reduce quality to meet increased expectations, resulting in decreased customer satisfaction. The long-term result involves lower profit margin and decreased sales, which all could have been avoided if Deming’s points were followed in the first place, by replacing or updating the equipment. Deming’s philosophy also referred to the service industry. If improvements were made to meet the expectations of customers, than overall costs would be decreased. This is commonly still seen today with new technology being put on the market, only to be recalled later when it is tested and announced to be â€Å"unsafe. For example, the recall of the Toyota model Prius, which was found to have quality issues with the clips that hold the floor mats in place. If the clips came loose, the mats could slide and hold down the accelerator, which risked causing an accident. This recall was estimated to cost Toyota around two billion dollars, as well as a loss o f $100,000 in sales in both the U. S. and Europe. Imagine if Toyota had invested more in the quality side of producing the clips, and the savings that would have came with it. Deming’s philosophies triggered the Total Quality Management movement in the 1980’s. Beforehand, factories focused solely on productions numbers, without even taking quality into consideration. I can see why Deming’s ideas weren’t accepted at first, if you think back to how things probably were in the 1950’s. Not to mention the increased costs that comes with higher quality. For example, a shoe factory probably only had two options for shoes, black or white. Now we have a large selection of brands to choose from, each representing a different level of quality. With the focus now being on quality, businesses can provide a higher level of customer satisfaction, bringing different levels of quality to meet their customer’s budget, as well as expectations. Having strict levels of quality guidelines in the service industry, especially in fast food, customers are more reassured that they are consuming food that is safe, and has met requirements set by health inspectors. Deming’s philosophies have also made our business processes more efficient. Businesses today focus on the future, and predict possible changes they would need to adopt to survive. Technology is constantly changing, and is also bringing a higher level of quality to both manufacturing and service industries. In conclusion, I think Deming’s philosophies are vital today to businesses survival. For a business to get ahead of the competition, they need to not only be efficient, but also possess a certain level of accepted quality by consumers. Quality continues to improve as new technology emerges on the market, and processes are continually evaluated. Any business would benefit by following Deming’s 14 points.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Wastewater Management Program for Abu Dhabi
Wastewater Management Program for Abu Dhabi Introduction Although a fast growing economic hub, Abu Dhabi remains a relatively dry land that needs maximum water preservation. In addition, the increasing population and number of local, regional and multinational organizations and businesses seeking to operate in the city require adequate supply of water.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Wastewater Management Program for Abu Dhabi specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More At the same time, wastewater management remains a challenge to the city, especially in terms of managing the city’s sewage. However, technology has the potential to recycle much of the wastewater with an aim of preserving the city’s precious water resources while at the same preserving the environment (Tseng Lin, 2004). The purpose of this paper is to define a wastewater treatment planning for Abu Dhabi’s future. The plan describes the best technology for wastewater treatment and th e process involved. Moreover, it will provide the best possible location as well as the type of operation necessary to enhance wastewater management. Description of an ideal wastewater management technology for Abu Dhabi The proposed wastewater treatment plant will be located at Allamahah, some 20 kilometers west of the Abu Dhabi. The purpose is to serve the city’s population both as a source of water and as a water treatment facility. The aim is to treat some 600,000M3/d of sewage per year and produce some 400,000m3/d of clean water per annum for use in the industries and partly for domestic use (Tseng Lin, 2004). The plan is to create a conventional treatment plant that will involve a technology to treat the water with efficiency and reliability. The technology will include a preliminary, a primary and a secondary treatment sections. They will include an activated sludge to which a secondary settlement will be developed. The proposed technology will be primarily a biologic al model in which there will be minimal use of fuel. The biological section will also be coupled with filtration and a serial disinfection process to ensure that the water is microorganisms-free (McCarty, Bae Kim, 2011). In this case, the biological procedure will follow the conventional anaerobic treatment of domestic wastewater (Tseng Lin, 2004). From a biological analysis, it is evident that anaerobic treatment of wastewater, especially the sewage water, has the potential to enhance energy production while as the same time producing high quality water for domestic and industrial use.Advertising Looking for report on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The program has identified a number of issues that need be addressed in order to avoid a case where the production of water will fail. For instance, the problems of low temperature and low organic concentration might be the barrier to the program , as cited in theory. However, the problem of low temperature is not likely to affect the plant in Abu Dhabi because the area is relatively hot, which makes the survival of microorganism is generally high. Secondly, the plant will involve a high-energy sufficient technique that will oversee the overall preservation of energy (McCarty, Bae Kim, 2011). Within the context of biological treatment, the technology will involve genetically engineered bacteria with a high capacity to remove nutrients, organic and inorganic substances as well as kill other microorganisms. It is also expected to include a number of bacteria species with different capacities to ensure that all these substances are removed from the water. It is also important to include additional caution because some bacteria may act on others, producing certain effects or rending the process ineffective. For this reason, each species of bacteria used will be positioned in separate chambers, where water will pass through to e nsure the full effect of the bacteria on the water. References McCarty, P. L., Bae, J., Kim, J. (2011).Domestic Wastewater Treatment as a Net Energy Producer Can This be Achieved? Environ. Sci. Technol, 45, 7100–7106 Tseng, S. K., Lin, M. R. (2004). Treatment of organic wastewater by anaerobic biological fluidized bed reactor. Water Sci. Technol, 29(12), 157–166.
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