Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Han Dynasty and Roman Empire (Compare and Contrast) free essay sample
The Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire differ in their political turn of events and accomplishments. The Roman’s created two distinct codes of law, one that applied to residents and another that applied to non-residents. Rome’s exchange courses were assembled utilizing stone, which made it exceptionally simple for vendors to go starting with one city then onto the next over a tremendous measure of land. China, nonetheless, utilized a solitary code of law for every one of their residents and vanquished people groups, and utilized a long and deceptive path in their exchange; that lead to the Middle East. Despite the fact that these two civic establishments held numerous distinctions, they additionally shared rulers who actually managed their legislatures to forestall various difficulties and utilized far reaching exchange courses to develop their economies and further their impact on the planet. A significant number of their disparities in political advancement originate from utilizing various types of government. The Chinese sovereign Wudi actualized Legalism toward the start of his rule, giving him acknowledgment all through the ages. We will compose a custom article test on Han Dynasty and Roman Empire (Compare and Contrast) or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Many consider Legalism a consummated type of government, while others guarantee that it is against all opportunity and human rights. Wudi accepted that laws ought to seriously punish the individuals who were defiant and reward the individuals who were submissive. In the interim, Augustus of Rome, authorized a Republic government, wherein the individuals decided in favor of who they thought ought to turn into their agents and authorities. Frequently the authorities who held office were well off, just a couple of lower class individuals participated in this possibility. Augustus was the political and strict pioneer of his kin for the length of his rule. Wudi then again executed an assessment that residents could take. The assessment was enormously thorough, and whoever got the most noteworthy score was given the bureaucratic position. This procedure helped proficient individuals become government employees; due to this researchers turned into the most world class people in Chinese society. Wudi controlled distinctly as a political pioneer of his nation, never a strict pioneer. In spite of the fact that these civic establishments were altogether different in their political turn of events, they likewise had a few likenesses. They had enormous, solid militaries which gave a physical portrayal of their capacity and impact in their general surroundings. Their pioneers were likewise very engaged with their legislatures. This originated from a conviction that as long as they kept on watching the acts of their administration, they would have the option to run it effectively and would have the option to live unafraid of being tested or ousted. In conclusion, the two nations likewise experienced assaults by various migrant gatherings. The Romans experienced numerous misfortunes through assaults from Germanic clans. So also, China experienced furious Hun attacks. Further likenesses are discovered when looking at their achievements. Most importantly, they had effective exchange relations. China exchanged with the Middle East and the coast along the Mediterranean Sea. The Romans, notwithstanding, exchanged with the Middle East, Italy, India, and China. Both of these societies acquired harmony at the pinnacle of their exchanging and monetary success. The serene occasions were a consequence of their effective exchanging. To the Romans this serene time was known as Pax Romana, to the Chinese it was known as Pax Sinica. China and Rome additionally had progresses in craftsmanship and science. Rome manufactured the Pantheon utilizing their recently imagined constructing material, concrete. Then again, the Chinese progressed in science and craftsmanship by creating paper for use in writing and business; and a water system framework that came to broadly over their fields permitting them to viably water their yields. Notwithstanding, contrasts additionally happened among their accomplishments. China dealt with growing her visitors utilizing military power, in the long run covering more land than any past line. On the other hand, Rome brought down the quantity of their soldiers because of the harmony they encountered. Lamentably, there were insufficient soldiers to guard the Roman Empire’s outskirts, and they experienced progressively visit assaults Germanic clans thus. These human advancements adopted various strategies on religion also. In Rome Christianity was generally received, first by the individuals and afterward by the state. They accepted that a Savior would come who was the Son of God, and he would spare them from their wrongdoings. Then again, the Han Dynasty received Confucianism. This was less a religion but rather more it was progressively a lot of rules and rules for a person’s conduct, considerations, and activities. They additionally took care of their duplicating populaces in an unexpected way. Rome imported grain from Africa. Though, China manufactured colossal storage facilities, and filled them during years when there was a lot of food. At that point when long periods of dry spells and poor yields came, there was sufficient food to take care of everybody. The economy was likewise kept stable during these years since they didn’t need to raise the cost of grain, since they had put away such a great amount during the great years. These two nations varied by they way they took care of their populaces in view of their citiesâ arrangements and because of their arranging. Rome had enormous urban communities with little room in light of the fact that there were such a large number of individuals, which likewise implied there was no space to construct storage facilities. On the other hand, China fabricated storage facilities from the get-go and didn't live in such lacking elbow room with ever y other person. As should be obvious the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire had numerous distinctions both strategically and through their achievements. That being stated, they likewise shared a broad assortment of similitudes. They shifted in government, yet both shared included pioneers. Their exchange courses contrasted in their physical nature, however both traversed numerous miles and made a system of exchange all through the landmass. They shared an exacting code of law, however one was utilized to oversee all, while the other related to residents and noncitizens. One thing can be said in any case, about these two extraordinary countries, regardless of how comparative or distinctive they might be, the two of them have left huge impressions ever. In addition to the fact that they influenced everyone around them in their time, yet they have likewise affected individuals all through the ages and will keep on doing as such.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
How to Cite a Song Found Online
How to Cite a Song Found Online (12) Music is an art formâ€"and just as you’d analyze a poem for a literary paper or cite a painting for an art history paper, you may find yourself using a song as a source, especially if you’re enrolled in music theory courses. Here, we’ve laid out how to cite a song, so if you’re deciding whether or not to include a song in your next paper based on whether you can figure out how to cite it, go for it! Citing songs, whether you’re working off the audio recording or using written lyrics, is actually a pretty similar process to what you might have done for other kinds of citations. Although citing a song might seem unfamiliar, there’s no need to worry. We’ve got you covered for both audio recordings and written song lyrics, whether you need to cite in MLA format, APA format, or Chicago style. Citing an Audio Recording of a Song Found Online If you’ve ever cited a movie before, you’ll discover that citing an audio recording of a song is a pretty similar process. But even if you’ve only cited text before, you should be a pro at song citations in no time! We’ve included examples of how you would cite Ed Sheeran’s “Don’t†for each of the three styles as well. To cite an audio recording of a song, you should make note of the following pieces of information: 1. Singer’s name 2. Songwriter’s name 3. Title of the song (and subtitle, if there is one) 4. Title of the album (and subtitle, if there is one) 5. Albums Edition (if there is one) 6. Track Number 7. Publisher 8. Year of publication 10. Website or database where the song was found 11. URL 12. Date the song was accessed online 13. The names of any other contributors Use the following structure to cite an audio recording found online in MLA 8: Singer’s Last Name, Singer’s First Name. “Title of the Song.†Title of the Album, albums ed., Publisher, Year of publication, track number. Website or Database Name, URL (remove http:// or https://). Here’s how the above example would be cited in MLA 8: Sheeran, Ed. Don’t. X, deluxe ed., Asylum Records, 2014, track 4. Spotify, Use the following structure to cite an audio recording in APA format: Songwriter’s Last Name, Songwriter’s First Initial. (Year of publication). Title of the song [Recorded by Singer’s First Initial, Singer’s Last Name if different from writer*]. On Title of the album [Audio file]. Retrieved from URL *Do not include the information in the brackets if the name of the songwriter is the same person as the singer or performer. Here’s how the above example would be cited in APA: Sheeran, E. (2014). Don’t. On X. [Audio file]. Retrieved from Use the following structure to cite an audio recording in Chicago: Singer’s Last name, Singer’s First name. Title of the Song. Publisher, Year of publication, Accessed Month Day, Year. URL. Here’s how the above example would be cited in Chicago: Sheeran, Ed. Don’t. Asylum Records, 2014, Accessed June 5, 2017. Citing Song Lyrics Found Online Citing written song lyrics is pretty similar to citing an audio recording, but if you’re used to mostly citing written work, you may find this procedure a bit easier since you’re citing words off a page rather than audio. Here, we’ve cited “Imagine,†a song by John Lennon which you’ve surely heard beforeâ€"and one which could be the subject of rich analysis for your next paper. To cite written song lyrics, you should make note of the following pieces of information: 1. Singer’s name 2. Songwriter’s name 3. Title of the song (and subtitle, if there is one) 4. Title of the album (and subtitle, if there is one) 5. Albums Edition (if there is one) 6. Track number 7. Publisher 8. Year of publication 9. Website or Database where the lyrics were found 10. URL 11. Date the lyrics were accessed online 12. The names of any other contributors Use the following structure to cite written song lyrics in MLA 8: Singer’s Last Name, Singer’s First Name. “Title of the Song.†Title of the Album, Names of other contributors, Album’s Publisher, Year of publication, track Number. Name of Website, URL (remove http:// or https://). Here’s how the above example would be cited in MLA 8: Lennon, John. Imagine. Imagine, Ascot Sound Studios, 1971, track 1. Genius, Use the following structure to cite written song lyrics in APA format: Songwriter(s) Last Name, Songwriter(s) First Initial. (Year of publication). Title of song [Lyrics]. Retrieved from URL Here’s how the above example would be cited in APA: Lennon, J. (1971). Imagine [Lyrics]. Retrieved from Use the following structure to cite an written song lyrics in Chicago: Singer’s Last Name, Singer’s First Name. “Title of the song.†Name of Website. Accessed Month Day, Year. URL. Here’s how the above example would be cited in Chicago: Lennon, John. “Imagine.†Genius. Accessed June 5, 2017.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
A Fair Trial And Punishment - 1528 Words
Throughout the years, the definition of a fair trial and punishment has changed. In some ways, our Judicial System has gotten better; however, it has also gotten worse in some cases. Our Justice System no longer has a clear understanding of whether or not capital punishment is fair, constitutional, or should be fully utilized. Some people say that the use of capital punishment is unconstitutional, ethically wrong, and extreme. However, others say that Capital punishment would honor the victims and help console grieving families. It would ensure that the perpetrators would never get the chance to commit such horrendous crimes again. It would serve as a deterrent to other people who might commit the same or similar crimes in the future causing less tragedy and heartbreak. In many cases, like Kennedy v. Louisiana, many criminals get out of capital punishment because the crime did not result in the death of the victim. In Kennedy v. Louisiana Patrick Kennedy was convicted for t he aggravated rape of his 8 year-old step-daughter and sentenced to death. The Louisiana Supreme Court affirmed the statute, rejecting the defendant s reliance on Coker v. Georgia, which prevented the use of capital punishment for the rape of an adult woman. The Eighth Amendment, which bans the use of cruel and unusual punishment, bars Louisiana from imposing capital punishment for the rape of a child because the crime did not result in the death of the victim. This is just one example ofShow MoreRelatedImportance Of The Eighth Amendment1115 Words  | 5 Pagesshall not be required, nor excessive fines are imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.†This was made to help make sure that more amounts of bail money/property are not given to by excessive amounts, and that cruel or unusual punishments are not prohibited to any person going into court. Bail is where a certain amount of money is required to leave jail and is another way to ensure that you will go t o a trial. Patrick henry and Holmes were people who pointed out that americans shouldRead MoreThe Nuremburg Trials Essay740 Words  | 3 PagesII when all the camps were liberated, trials were held against the Nazi’s who took part in this genocide. These trials were called the Nuremburg trials. The trials took place between October 20, 1945 and October 1, 1946 . Although Many Nazis felt they were taking orders their punishments through the Nuremburg trials were justified due to the massive loss of life in the concentration as well as the social consequences on families. Throughout the Nuremburg trials there were 8 judges. Only 24 Nazis wereRead MoreCase Study : Ford Vs. Wainwright Case1426 Words  | 6 Pageswith him because he felt that the doctor also was part of the conspiracy theory. 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Capital punishment in America started when spies were caught, put on trial and hung. In the past and still today people argue that, the death penalty is cruel, unusual punishment and should be illegal. Yet many people argue that it is in fact justifiable and it is not cruel and unusual. Capital punishment is not cruel and unusual; the death penalty is fair and there is evidence that the death penalty deters crime. †¨A big part of abolitionist’sRead MoreCriminal Justice Systems Paper1153 Words  | 5 Pagesin a fair trial. The legal definition of a crime is a wrong doing classified by the state or congress as a felony or misdemeanor, or an offense against a public law. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines crime as â€Å"an act or the commission of an act that is forbidden or the omission of a duty that is commanded by a public law and that makes the offender liable to punishment by that law†(2010). â€Å"One of the fundamental theories of the United States criminal justice system is that those on trial remainRead MoreJudge Court Is Guilty Of Due Process Violations1674 Words  | 7 Pagesunlike any other in the country. Judge Williams’s courts in Georgia’s Glynn and Camden Counties do not honor a major component of rule of lawâ€â€due process. Due process is fair treatment through the judicial system. It includes, among a few other rights, the rights to receive an impartially fair trial and subsequent reasonable punishment, to grieve or complain against the charges and government official in charge, and to appeal. Judge Amanda William’s drug court is guilty of due process violations in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Homelessness Should Be Top Priority Essay - 1929 Words
The United Stated is a very wealthy nation. With only 5 percent of the world’s population, America produces more than 20 percent of the world’s output (Schiller, 2008, p.1). More than half of Americans, including adults and children do not have adequate housing or a place to lay their head at night. Homelessness has always been an issue for the United States. Since the beginning of this nation, there have been continuous problems with people who do not have a stable place to live. Many times those individuals stay with family, friends, or any place they can find. Often times when individuals or families have no family or friends, they often resort to shelters, on the street, motels, abandoned buildings, or in their car if they have one. The United States is the most influential country in nation; efforts to reduce or remove this epidemic of homelessness should be top priority. Many people are affected by homelessness such as families, children, and veterans. According to National Alliance to End Homelessness (2016), â€Å"In January 2015, 564,708 people had no place to sleep one or more nights in the United States. Of that number, 206,286 were people in families, and 358, 422 were individuals†(National Alliance to End Homelessness, 2016). Veterans account for 8 percent of the homeless population, which are 47,725. Of the numbers stated; families and individuals was either sleeping in an emergency shelter, outside, or in transitional housing. In 2013 the Department of HousingShow MoreRelatedHomelessness : A Worldwide Public Health Crisis Essay1423 Words  | 6 PagesHomelessness: A Worldwide Public Health Crisis In the United States, there were approximately 564,708 people who were homeless on a single winter night in 2015 (Housing and Urban Development, 2015). Worldwide, acquiring an accurate picture of homelessness has proven challenging due to varying definitions country to country. Furthermore, data on homelessness has also proven to be extremely sparse in many parts of the world. The last worldwide survey was attempted by the United Nations. Based onRead MoreHomeless On A Single Winter Night Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pagesacquiring an accurate picture of homelessness has proven challenging due to varying definitions country to country. Furthermore, data on homelessness has also proven to be extremely sparse in many parts of the world. The last worldwide survey was attempted by the United Nations. Based on the survey it was estimated that 100 million people were homeless across the world (United Nations, 2005). Due to the lack of data, greater focus should be placed on the issue of homelessness. Considering the well-knownRead MoreSustainable Development : The World Health Organization853 Words  | 4 Pagesthat the result â€Å"meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs†(Holtz, 2017, p.436). 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It is better for the person to be alone rather than be uncomfortableRead MoreThe Plan For Building Supportive Housing Units Essay1272 Words  | 6 PagesHuizar†(â€Å"City Proposes $1.2 billion Bond to House the Homeless†, n.d.). He is the person I chose because of his involvement with Proposition HHH. He is one of the Chief Architects in putting this measure on the ballot. He is also the co–chair of the Homelessness and Poverty Committee during the development and adoption of the Comprehensive Homeless Strategy (â€Å"City Proposes $1.2 billion Bond to House the Homeless†, n.d.). This strategy was adopted by the city in February 2016. It identified the need toRead MoreSocial Determinants Of Health And How It Is And Will Further Effect Canadian Communities1183 Words  | 5 Pagesphysical, mental and emotional problems. Poverty manages to be a major concern that has been recently addressed. The right to have a healthy living condition is not balanced equally among Canadians. Poverty is a growing issue and should be one of the government’s top priorities in order to avoid health problems that connect to it. Background To begin with, the author discusses in the article that health care determines multiple health consequences on certain necessities of life. The social determinantsRead MoreDiane Feinstein s Life For Serving The People Of California Essay1671 Words  | 7 Pageson health insurance marketplaces established by the new health reform law must cover both inpatient and outpatient mental health care. However, I know that too many individuals who need treatment go without it, and I will keep your views in mind should the full Senate debate S. 2680 in the future.†2. The war on drugs has proven that despite spending $40 billion a year to fight it, drug use has not decreased. Most members of the community are pushing for a new approach that puts an emphasis on
Noise vs Music Free Essays
Was there a time in your life when you grew to dislike certain favorites? Like when you were a child you favored three spoonful of sugar over a half spoonful sugar for coffee? Or a time when you liked wearing your hair long and then soon came to like short ones, only to realize you like wearing your hair long once more? Our preferences changes from time to time – just as how our moods changes whenever we are in different situations. We think, decide and changes our mind. In everything we do, there’s this constant thing we create – change. We will write a custom essay sample on Noise vs Music or any similar topic only for you Order Now How can we say that a certain sound may also be both to a certain listener? Remember that we perceive sounds by our auditory senses – our ears. We hear sounds every second of our life, a constant thing, but what we want to hear changes from time to time. Say we want to listen to a genre of techno music at this moment; for the meantime, this is what we call as our music. And just as how we perceive this certain genre as our music, any time of the day or year, this too can also become a noise for us should we soon dislike listening to it. The same goes to other people out there. A change in mood and likes in things especially on sounds they perceive changes. A student preparing for his examination the following day would prefer mellow-toned songs to soothe and relax his mind to study while at the same time hating the noise he hears on the other side of the room his brother is listening to – a music for him. Keep in mind how unique each person is, their personalities may be alike in some ways, but they will never be the same in everything. Two people may like similar genres but there too is a genre where one may call it music while the other noise to his ears. So don’t wonder whenever a friend of yours comes to dislike certain music, food, or anything. Nothing is permanent. Their view in things differs from time to time as well and will definitely be different from you. How to cite Noise vs Music, Essay examples
Friday, April 24, 2020
Sector Analysis Background DTL Power Corporation
Overview Structure The geothermal sector is growing tremendously in diverse countries across the world because it is a renewable form of energy. In the energy sector, renewable form of energy contributes about 17% of energy, while non-renewable sources such as fossil fuels and nuclear contributes about 80% and 3% respectively.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Sector Analysis Background: DTL Power Corporation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As geothermal energy is one of the renewable forms of energy, it contributes barely 1% globally, but it has huge potential. For instance, geothermal energy contributes 30%, 24%, 24%, and 15% of electricity in Iceland, El Salvador, Kenya, Philippines, and Costa Rica respectively. According to the Geothermal Energy Association (2014), the western part of the US has excellent geothermal potential. It is estimated that the region can supply up to 20 percent of the energy r equirement in the country. In the United States, the geothermal field in California has the largest geothermal plant in the world called The Geysers, which produces 3,386 megawatts. New Mexico relies heavily on electricity generated from fossil fuels, yet it has geothermal resources in the Jemez Mountains, which has the potential of generating huge amounts of electricity that can serve New Mexico and neighboring states. In this view, the structure of geothermal industry shows that it has immense potential of generating electricity, which requires exploitation. Major Players The major players in the geothermal sector are federal government and energy companies. The federal government regulates exploitation of geothermal resources by ensuring that it benefits all stakeholders and generates renewable forms of energy for industrial development.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Through the Department of Energy, the federal government formulates policies and regulations, which guide exploitation of geothermal resources in various states. The federal government also uses Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in regulating interstate transmission of electricity in the United States and protects consumers using Federal Trade Commission. Through Environmental Protection Agency, federal government ensures that exploitation and use of geothermal resources do not pose any harm to the environment. Fundamentally, the federal government is an important player in the energy industry because it dictates exploitation of geothermal resources. Geothermal Energy Association is an integral player in the geothermal sector because it is a trade union of geothermal companies, which advocate for the exploitation of geothermal resources across the world. Moreover, the geothermal companies that belong to this trade union actively exploit geothermal resources in various part s of the world. According to the Geothermal Energy Association (2015), Chadbourne and Park, Scientific Drilling International, Therma Source, Ethos Energy Group, and Industrial Builders are the companies that form the executive level, while Calpine Corporation, Gradient Resources, Enel Green Power North America, Bershire, Cyrq Energy, and Ormat Technologies are some of the companies that form the board level. The Calpine Corporation controls about 90 percent of the geothermal resources in the US. As these companies advocate for the exploitation of geothermal resources and represent geothermal companies, they deliberate on issues and make important decisions, which influence policies and regulations in the geothermal sector.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Sector Analysis Background: DTL Power Corporation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Other major players in the United States are Energy Vision Internat ional Florida, Kepler Energy, Asheville Geothermal, Evergreen Energy, Earth Source Energy Solutions, and Geo power Texas amongst others. Examination of the players in the geothermal sector indicates that it is a very competitive sector. A Brief historical Perspective Although geothermal resources have existed for thousands of centuries, the technology to exploit them as a renewable energy has been lacking. Archeological evidence indicates that ancient people used hot springs as a source of water for bathing, cleaning, and extracting minerals. In the United States, archeological evidence shows that Paleo-Indians used hot springs in washing, cleaning, extracting minerals, and warming themselves. In recent years, technological developments have allowed large corporations to produce energy from geothermal sources in a cost-effective manner. In the United States, the first geothermal plant called The Geysers was established in 1960 in the Californian geothermal field. According to the Ge othermal Energy Association (2014), huge investments by the Calpine Corporation have seen the number of geothermal units grow to the current 18. Given that 80% of electricity emanates from fossil fuels, it contributes to global warming. The need to mitigate global warming has promoted exploitation of geothermal resources because they are renewable sources, which do contribute significantly to global warming. Globally, governments in conjunction with Geothermal Energy Association and other bodies, are advocating for the exploitation geothermal resources. Currently, geothermal resources only produce 1% of electricity, yet they have the potential of producing over 30%, as in the case of the geothermal sector in Iceland.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nature of Competition The nature of competition that exists in the geothermal sector in New Mexico and the United States is highly competitive. Since geothermal companies operate in a free market economy, they operate in a highly competitive environment, which requires enormous resources, compliance with prevailing legislations, acquisition of experts, and application of novel technology. The costs involved in starting geothermal company are prohibitive in that mega-companies can only afford (The Geothermal Energy Association, 2014). National and international companies compete for the scarce geothermal resources in various parts of the world, including New Mexico. The ability to exploit the available geothermal resources is mainly dependent on the capacity of a company to mobilize required startup capital. In this view, DTL Power Corporation should be ready to invest a competitive amount of capital in the establishment and development of geothermal plant in New Mexico. Additionally , geothermal sector is highly competitive because it has a number of legislations that geothermal companies must comply with before receiving permission to explore and exploit geothermal resources. The federal government requires geothermal companies to comply with regulations of the Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Federal Trade Union. Moreover, the trade union of geothermal companies, Geothermal Energy Association, has legislations that regulate their operations in the geothermal sector (Geothermal Energy Association, 2015). To survive in a highly competitive geothermal sector, DTL Power Corporation also needs to seek expertise and employ the latest technology, which matches or surpasses that of leading players such as Calpine Corporation. Recent News Story The recent news story shows that geothermal industry is growing gradually owing to the promotion of renewable sources of energy by various governments globally . Galbraith (2014) states that the electricity generated globally from geothermal resources increases by 5% annually, with the United States being the leading producer of electricity from geothermal energy. The use of oil and gas technology of drilling has enhanced exploration and exploitation of geothermal resources in different parts of the world, including the United States. Given that establishment of geothermal plants is expensive, it has prohibited many countries and companies from exploring and exploiting geothermal resources. Geothermal engineers explain that it takes about 50-60% of the project’s cost to drill wells and the probability of locating sustainable hot springs is 70-90% (Galbraith, 2014). The explanation implies that exploration of geothermal resources is very expensive, and thus, requires expertise to increase the probability of locating sustainable hot spring and reduce the expenses. Sector’s Societal Importance The geothermal sector has immense b enefits to the society because it generates a renewable form of energy, creates employment opportunities, reduces emissions of greenhouse gases, and generates revenue to governments. Since the current society relies on non-renewable form of energy obtained from fossil fuels, the geothermal sector is very important because it offers renewable source of energy that is sustainable. The renewability and sustainability of geothermal energy emanate from the fact that the geothermal heat is inexhaustible. Essentially, electricity generated from geothermal resources is very reliable because it is not subject to seasons and intermittent environmental conditions, unlike solar energy and wind energy. The geothermal sector is also beneficial to society because it creates immense opportunities for employment. Kunkel, Ghomshei, and Ellis (2012) state that geothermal plants create job opportunities for engineers, mechanics, geologists, architects, operators, hydrologists, technicians, researchers, government regulators, and lawyers amongst other related specialists. In this view, communities that live in areas where geothermal plants exist benefit from the available job opportunities. The release of harmful emissions such as greenhouse gases limits exploitation and use of fossil fuels. The exploitation of geothermal resources is advantageous because they emit minimal amount of greenhouse gases into the environment, and thus, does not contribute significantly to global warming. Fundamentally, the beneficial effect of geothermal resources to the society is that it reduces emissions of greenhouse gases, and thus, aid in alleviating the impact of global warming. Kunkel, Ghomshei, and Ellis (2012) argue that the technology of closed-loop circulation is essential in geothermal sector because it prevents the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Overall, the society benefits owing to the reduced emission of greenhouse gases and poisonous gases, which are harmful to human ity and the environment. Geothermal sector also generates revenue for state and federal governments since they collect taxes and royalties from the geothermal companies. References Geothermal Energy Association. (2014). 2014 Annual US and Global Geothermal Power Production Report. Web. Geothermal Energy Association. (2015). Major Companies. Web. Galbraith, K. (2014, July 23). Geothermal Industry Grows, With Help from Oil and Gas. Drilling. New York Times. Web. Kunkel, T., Ghomshei, M., Ellis, R. (2012). Geothermal energy as an indigenous alternative energy source in British Columbia. Journal of Ecosystems and Management, 13(2), 1-16. This research paper on Sector Analysis Background: DTL Power Corporation was written and submitted by user Cristopher Butler to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Television is Close to Reality essays
Television is Close to Reality essays Television is close to reality- the madness of TV is the madness of life I believe that the statement that television is close to reality is true. The whole world revolves around television. Most people have a television in which they use to find out what happens daily in the news. Television is what keeps us informed about reality and what happens. The madness we see on our television is very similar to the madness of the American life. 3 reasons why I believe this statement are televisions playing shows from true stuff that has happen. Another reason would be how kids are with the television and because how people follow things they see on television. There are many television shows that are based on true stories. There are movies that shows events that have really happened in our country. The examples can be the war movies and how they make it close to reality. They have made many movies that have aired on our television about peoples lives. This shows that our television is very close to reality. This shows that the Another thing that shows us the closeness between what is on TV and reality are the little children. The youngsters watch TV and learn from what they see. Sometimes the things the kids see they try and to copy. This could lead to violence or something else. The reality that kids do what they see on TV is what shows the madness of TV. The TV is able to teach kids by the TV shows they watch. The point is that if a child watches Barney he can learn different things that can help him learn. If a little kid were to watch a show with violence I agree with the quote because people follow TV. People copy what the famous people do and wear. For example, a famous star starts wearing a new brand he or she created. Many fans of this super star ...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
11 Inspiring, Uplifting Quotes for Dad
11 Inspiring, Uplifting Quotes for Dad Playing daddy all the time can be a tiresome task. Dads sometimes feel ignored, unappreciated, and even unwanted in their own family. When that happens, it is time for some words of inspiration. Inspirational dad quotes will pep up any sagging spirit. Dad Quotes for Inspiration Harry S. Truman I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it. Lydia M. Child Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father! Kent Nerburn It is much easier to become a father than to be one. Euripides Noble fathers have noble children. Richard Henry Dana Better to be driven out from among men than to be disliked of children. Douglas MacArthur By profession, I am a soldier and take pride in that fact. But I am prouder - infinitely prouder - to be a father. A soldier destroys in order to build; the father only builds, never destroys. The one has the potentiality of death; the other embodies creation and life. And while the hordes of death are mighty, the battalions of life are mightier still. It is my hope that my son, when I am gone, will remember me not from the battlefield but in the home repeating with him our simple daily prayer, Our Father who art in Heaven. Anonymous One night a father overheard his son pray Dear God, Make me the kind of man my Daddy is. Later that night, the Father prayed Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants me to be. Croesus In peace, the sons bury their fathers, but in war, the fathers bury their sons. Sir Stephen Spender When a child, my dreams rode on your wishes, I was your son, high on your horse, my mind a top whipped by the lashes of your rhetoric, windy of course. Chinese Proverb If a son is uneducated, his dad is to blame. Jan Hutchins When I was a kid, my father told me every day, Youre the most wonderful boy in the world, and you can do anything you want to.
Friday, February 14, 2020
The Fold Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Fold Theory - Essay Example Deleuze finds the existence of the soul in the body; however, since there is no way for the exiting of the same, he justifies the statements made by his predecessor philosophers’ opinions regarding the place of the soul in the upper dark chamber of the body, diversified by folds, i.e. the mind. Deleuze also cites Focillon, where he submits to state that the latter viewed Baroque Gothic as the birth of the mystical experience, which is actually the long voyage of the soul within various parts of the vast and endless universe. Hence, the body remains confined to one specific zone or area, where it is actually present, while soul seeks no limits and boundaries for traveling and can reach everywhere it wants to move. On the contrary, the body remains silent to some extent and requires permissions and efforts in order to change its place. Deleuze declares Leibniz as the first philosopher to define and elucidate the mystical and mathematical dimensions in his work. He also states th at the world is made up of monads and divergent series, which can be compared to the folds. Consequently, it can be examined by keeping in view the infinity of pleats and creases of unified and dispersed matter. Deleuze has also discussed plastic forces in an analytical manner by presenting the examples of organism or living matter, where artificial is always inferior to the real one. It is because of the very fact that plastic cannot perform altogether in such a way as the living matter, though it is more machinelike than mechanical.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Compare a shared theme between the book Don Quioxote and the movie Toy Essay
Compare a shared theme between the book Don Quioxote and the movie Toy Story - Essay Example The stories about the knights have sunken deeply into his mind that, somehow, it has misshapen his sanity. He grew up idolizing knights and their gallantry and even began to dress up like one and go out on adventures or quests of his own for reasons like "My armour is my only wear, My only rest the fray"2. He had his own damsel in the person of a peasant girl from Toboso named Aldonsa Lorenzo. Alonso Quijano was so much into his character that he also made up a name for himself and had others call him Don Quixote de La Mancha. Buzz Lightyear of Toy Story, on the other hand, is so caught up in his own reality as a high-tech, space ranger, and not simply a plaything. His belief in his reality is so profound that he even believed that he could fly - a feat he was able to prove to himself and to the other toys when he tried flying with his eyes closed. Falling with style as Woody puts it. Discussing the common theme between the story of Don Quixote and the film Toy Story, one can see how the characters lived in a world of their own made-up realities. Don Quixote fed on his imaginations of the gallant knights and was even caught saying this to himself: "Who knows but that in time to come, when the veracious history of my famous deeds is made known, the sage who writes it, when he has to set forth my first sally in the early morning, will do it after this fashion"3. The effect of the books on his thinking was as deep as his wanting to become a full-fledged knight. This is stated in the book as: "Day was dawning when Don Quixote quitted the inn, so happy, so gay, so exhilarated at finding himself now dubbed a knight, that his joy was like to burst his horse-girths."4 He also went to as far as dubbing, his so-called damsel, Aldonsa Lorenzo as Dulcinea del Toboso and swearing to offer his services to this "fair lady". Along with his absurd thinking are absurd behaviors such as talking to himself and saying verses like "O Princess Dulcinea, lady of this captive heart, a grievous wrong hast thou done me to drive me forth with scorn, and with inexorable obduracy banish me from the presence of thy beauty. O lady, deign to hold in remembrance this heart, thy vassal, that thus in anguish pines for love of thee5. He also named his donkey Rosinante to add more glamour to his stature as a knight. Adding to the extremity of his fondness for chivalry and knighthood, Don Quixote looked for a squire for himself to keep track of his adventures. He promised the laborer an island just to get that loyal travel companion. "Your worship will take care, Senor Knight-errant, not to forget about the island you have promised me, for be it ever so big I'll be equal to gov erning it."6 Those and Don Quixote's other bizarre actions were all caused by too much exposure to books on chivalry and knighthood. His actions were inevitable since these are based on a strong belief which he has stated as: Thou shalt never see it again as long as thou livest7. He was too engrossed on those legends that it was almost impossible to stop him from associating everything he sees with his adventure. One incident was when he fought against what he perceived to be as monsters: "Fortune is arranging matters for us better than we could have shaped our desires ourselves, for look there, friend Sancho Panza, where thirty or more monstrous giants present themselves"8. Miguel de Cervantes's Don Quixote and the movie Toy Story both
Friday, January 24, 2020
Abercrombie and Fitch and the Moral Degradation of America Essay
Abercrombie and Fitch and the Moral Degradation of America This past month I made my last visit to the popular teenage/college student retail store Abercrombie and Fitch. Finishing up some back to school shopping, I was on a quest for jeans, and I knew the place to get them. My last two favorite pairs were from Abercrombie and Fitch, and I was planning on buying the same kind once again. Happy and relieved that I would not spend the afternoon ransacking the mall for one pair of jeans, I entered the store to the pulsating beat of techno dance music. In front of me was the teenage Mecca of what is truly hip -- the first thing I noticed were the life-size pictured that covered the walls -- half-clad muscular and glistening young men, frolicking around with pouty faced but beautiful young women who were wearing either size 2 short shorts with bikini tops or 3 layered sweaters. The tables were covered with overpriced shorts, shirts, and sweaters, strewn about by desperate customers searching for the perfect outfit. The sales people wh o roamed the floors were definitions of cool themselves -- ranging from age 16-22, they modeled their employee discounts in a haughty way which encouraged the customers to strive for their ultra-hip look. And strive the customers did. What was the most noticeable upon entering the store (besides the blaringly loud music which made me wonder if I was at a clothing store or a dance club) were the herds of desperate young men and women, who seemed to range from age 12-25, strutting around the store and searching for anything that had the name A&F on it. I can only imaging how many nights of baby-sitting it would take some of these eager teenagers to buy one sweater. The young custome... ...r yourself and don't allow anyone else to decide for you. Even more important than the clothes you wear is how you choose to live your life -- a choice that is entirely your own and no one else's. No store can choose a "lifestyle" for you, and no one should talk you into believing that drinking, having sex, or anything else can make your life better than it already is. In their desperate attempt to sell their products, Abercrombie and Fitch has forgotten the individuality of the word "lifestyle". While claming that underage drinking and just the right outfit will make your life better, they forget that it is impossible to ever change your individual persona, or who you truly are. No tomboy flares or martini shakers will change that. That's why I decided to stick with my old jeans -- they're comfortable, I like them, but most importantly, they're me.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Essay about email Essay
EXPLAIN ELECTRONIC MAIL? Electronic Mail Is The Most Polular And Most Misused Service Of Internet Electronic mail or simply E-mail is very much popular now-a-days for its speedy transmission of information’s and cost effectiveness. Hence information provided by a sender is delivered asynchronously to a point where it can be retrieved and processed later on by one or more recipients of the sender’s choice. In an E-Mail system, there is a number and the sender keeps on dialing the desired number till he/she is successful. Once it is connected, the PC terminal of the sender sends the message to the PC terminal of the recipient at a very high speed. There is no need of any physical presence of both the sender and the receiver. The sender can enter the message and the receiver can retrieve it whenever he/she is free. The message will remain in PC’s memory. The transmission of messages is usually done through landlines (telephones) or satellite communications or through marine cables. E-mail has lot of advantages to its credit. Advantage Of E-Mail (i) It is cost effective. Very less money is required In comparison to other transmission device. (ii) It is time saver. Within very short time messages can be sent, (iii) There is no need of presence of either the sender or the receiver. Once the message is entered into PC’s it will remain in the receiver PC’s memory. (iv) E-mail transmission is very speedy. It is four times faster than FAX and ten Times faster than telex, (v) There is the system of using password which each subscriber can choose to use. Hence E-mail gives security of message. Disadvantage Of E-Mail (i) Emails may carry viruses. These are small programs that harm your computer system. They can read out your email address book and send themselves to a number of people around the world. (ii) Many people send unwanted emails to others. These are called spam mails. It takes a lot of time to filter out the unwanted emails from those that are really important. (iii) Emails cannot really be used for official business documents. They may be lost and you cannot sign them. (iv) Your mailbox may get flooded with emails after a certain time so you have to empty it from time to time.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Kimberley Process A Model For Global Governance
The Kimberley Process: a model for global governance Diamonds are a cultural icon of western civilisation, a symbol of everlasting commitment. Controversially, their purity, beauty and rareness overshadow the deaths and injuries of the process that brings diamonds from the mines to the fingers of millions of lucky women. The largest producer of rough diamonds on Earth, Africa, not only exploits child labour, but the profits are used to purchase weapons that sustain conflict; conflict diamonds have become an emergent issue in current affairs. This essay will introduce the diamond trade and the diamond cartel, giving insights into its peculiar structure. Firstly by analysing the role of the United Nations in the early 1990’s in tackling†¦show more content†¦The cartel industry has been created and regulated by De Beers. They were able to increase the value of the gems managing the stock to make it artificially scarce. De Beers centralised and shaped the market, by selling 80% of the total supply. In this way the cartel created a public perception around diamonds by praising their pureness and scarcity. In a conflict free economy, diamonds can benefit the broader population and lead to development, however in corrupt states mines are militarised by the militias. Civil wars in Angola, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Liberia, DCR and Cote D’Ivoire have got worldwide attention in the 1990s. Conflicts in these diamond-producing countries have made diamond a source of income for both rebels and governments to financ e their wars. In Angola in 1999 the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola party (UNITA) gained approximately $3-4 million from the trade in illegal diamonds . NGOs pointed out connection between the trade of raw gems and the financing of war in the 1990’s; diamonds were now seen as a factor contributing to bloodsheds. As a response, the international community started to regulate and prohibit the trade in conflict diamonds , under the UN Security Council Resolution 1176. Sanctions such as embargoes were a standard policy against the illicit trade of diamonds. Angolan diamonds were the first ones to be sanctioned by the UN in 1998. Cote D’Ivoire, DRC, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Burundi
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